Despite his efforts, Megatron is reactivated. Breakaway is sent to defend a carrier fleet guarding Megatron's corpse in the Laurentian Abyss from the Decepticons. Soundwave learns of Megatron's location, and transmits it to the Decepticons. The Autobots learn that a second AllSpark fragment held by the Americans has been stolen. Bumblebee is sent to protect Mikaela when the Decepticons detect the fragment also. The Autobots then head to Burbank, California where a previously unknown fragment of the AllSpark has surfaced, now in possession of Mikaela Banes. Upon his defeat and before Optimus deactivates him, Demolishor states " The Fallen shall rise again." After annihilating Decepticon troops, Optimus battles Demolishor. After locating Ironhide, his power is recharged and another Decepticon battle ensues. When Optimus Prime gets word that Ironhide is missing, Ratchet heads out to find him and get him to safety. Ironhide then battles and defeats Sideways.

Upon the arrival of the Autobots, Major William Lennox tells them there are Decepticons in the perimeter and must not escape. Epps reporting Decepticons in Shanghai, China. The Autobot campaign begins with NEST Pilot Sgt. 10 Differences between the Game and Movie.